No, I don´t want a sexchange, I feel pretty much ok as a woman, although I feel that at times there is more testosterone running in my veins than is necessary. Or on the contrary, because of the environement I am living in, it is just what I need. Ingemar Bergman´s autobiography Laterna Magica, re-read after twenty years, has been taking up a lot of my reading time, as has Saul Bellow´s More Die of Heartbreak; this may also have something to do with the overall sensation of being overwhelmed in general. Perhaps the problem is the Czech Republic - which I consider to be a woman (Prague most definitely) - is undergoing major surgery and other forms of rude attacks every day. No wonder I feel hurt. And then, reading the Czech and Swedish press leads to schizophrenic sensations - these nations are truly on the oppsite sides of the barricades. Most definitely when it comes to the question of Palestine and drawing cartoon figures for small kids. Reading about the absurd witch-hunt of artist Stina Wirsén makes me uneasy and angry (may I?). The Swedish press presented a similar discussion about Pippi Longstocking when the book was first published in the 1940s - the girl was just too rowdy, strange and unconventional. Out of this world. That was the written word, this is about the illustration. Too black, too much confirming the stereotype "we" have about coloured kids. Fantasy and humour, imagination and artistic playfulenss, not illwill - is not considered. We are small children and must be told by a self-determined set of experts what is good for the majority. This is so Swedish. Yet Sweden gave the world Pippi and Ingmar Bergman - and in the making almost destroyed both of them. Strange, isn´t it.
fredag 30 november 2012
fredag 23 november 2012
Last Sunday´s blog was a bit sad I admit, even a friend commented on it so I decided to stir things up in my life. We shall see how successful that effort will prove, but I am giving it a fair chance. So tomorrow I am off to an Advent market with or without my family - whoever wants to join in is welcome. Nevertheless, it should be added that I have already done three loads of laundry this Friday evening, but for the rest, it´s relaxing time. Just the moment to read a good book, to fill up the intellectual void. If you have not heard the latest joke about the Czech Presidential candidates, read some of the foreign press such as the Guardian or German news titles. The Czech Republic has a Japanse, an Austrian, a Jew and an Avatar running for office. Perhaps I missed one or two more, but already this group of runner-ups is quite intriguing - we'll see how much say the lobby has in this election.
söndag 18 november 2012
Äntligen söndag
Dags för lite mer tid åt sig själv. Vilket i själva verket innebär mer tid åt alla andra, dvs att tillbringa hela morgonen mellan tvättstugan och köket. Förra helgen öppnade jag en kokbok och bakade för första gången på, hmmm, tio år? Vem köper alla kokböcker egentligen? Desperata mödrar som inte ens hinner skala en lök? Den enda glädjen de har är att bläddra i dem. Jag tog på mig förklädet och b a k a d e två satser muffins samt fyra (4!) satser småkakor. För dem som tvivlar har jag förevigat detta. Se där gick min lediga lördag. Därtill fixade jag ugnsbakad kalkon med grönsaker samt hemmagjord potatismos - naturligtvis. Däremellan krattade jag löv, dammsög och torkade golv. Bör tilläggas att huset har två våningar samt källare, vilket i princip borde innebära att jag skulle vara slank och i toppform. Gör ibland en lista på allt jag gjort under dagen, som de som bantar på allt de äter, och känslan av ett gott uträttat arbete infinner sig. Klockan nio somnar jag i sängen bredvid min femårige son. Now, how much fun is this, really?
måndag 12 november 2012
torsdag 8 november 2012
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